Cloud 9 Farm in Asheville, NC

Cloud 9 Farm is located a short drive from the Biltmore Estate and Asheville on our private mini-estate in the countryside with 200 acres of wooded nature trails and bottom land. A great, scenic spot for your rustic wedding, too.

This Peterson family hobby farm of the 1960s-1990s has been transformed into a sustainable business by the resounding determination of the family vision to create a sanctuary from the frenzied world for all of us who need a recharge. When you come to Cloud 9 to vacation, you will have access to the whole farm on foot. There are hiking trails (old logging trails the we keep open to access the property). There’s actually just 20 acres of rolling land “farm” while the rest is woods up and down the mountain side. We hope you will be delighted to see undeveloped acreage, hear the sounds of silence and have a safe place to enjoy the natural land like we do.

Cloud 9 Farm is owned and operated by Janet Peterson and a whole lot of helpers.

Illustrated sign for "Cloud 9 Farm" featuring a cow, tree, goose, honeybees, blueberries, and mountains with the slogan "The Ultimate Farm-Cation.

“Beds, Berries, Trees… Cows and Honey Bees… and don’t forget the chickens and turkeys!”

That’s our jingle to sum up what we do here at Cloud 9 Farm.

Beds (Four Vacation Rentals):

Berries: U-Pick Blueberries in late June/July/August

Trees: Harvested for “crop tree release” for firewood and sawmilling. We rent our pasture to cow that all have cute names and like a hand-out of apples and bread. (Yes, stale bread!)

Cows: We rent our pasture to cows that all have cute names and like a hand-out of apples and bread. (Yes, stale bread!)

A brown cow stands in a grassy field while a calf feeds from it. A white car and trees are visible in the background.
Elsie the Cow with Baby Helen
Two cows stand near a large rock in a fenced pasture, with a scenic background of trees in autumn colors and a distant road.
Cows grazing. They have the best view of the property!
Close-up black and white photo of a cow's face, centered in the frame with a background of grassy field.
Do you have any apples?
A farmer operates a tractor with a hay baler attachment in a grassy field surrounded by trees on a sunny day.
A view of Cloud 9 Farm from the road
A colorful circular artwork depicts nature with a tree, animals, and a face merged into a landscape. Bees and berries border the sides.
The farm as seen on the headboard in the Master Bedroom at Cloud 9 Home
A view of tree-covered mountains at sunset, framed by tree trunks and branches in the foreground.
Mountaintop Views!

Honey Bees: Needed for pollination on the farm, “Products from the Hive” by BeeBabe Made are sold seasonally. Honey, wax, skin care products. Do you want to don a suit (adults) and go in the hives with Janet? Honey bee education for kids for a small charge. (Janet was a former teacher.)

And don’t forget the Chickens! When you stay on the farm, ask for fresh eggs… if the chickens are in the mood! We like chickens because they keeps the bugs away. Save your table scraps for them and feed at supper time. They free range for 2 hours everyday, so you might see them in the yard.

What is the history of the property?

Fifty odd years ago this two hundred acres of wooded mountain land with a few farm-able valley acres was planted with tobacco and corn. The rugged mountain land surrounding the valley was logged by oxen and mules for the best hickory, oak and walnut trees to go to Bob Barnwell’s sawmill for sale and to construct local barns and houses. Then a neighbor’s run-away leaf pile fire raced up the side of their mountain and down this side, blackening the underbrush and burning the dead trees when the Peterson family purchased it. What a mess it was. So it didn’t become “Cloud 9” right away. Many years of a lot of hard work to restore fences, plant new trees, turn the corn field into a blueberry patch, dig an irrigation/fishing pond and restore run-down pastures…all to keep the dream alive of a creating that place of refuge.

The family retirement home, originally built in 1970, was ahead of its time with hardwood floors, quality building materials and passive solar features, making for shady summers and sun-warmed winters. The family continues the upkeep of this “hobby farm” and takes the stewardship of the land seriously. Remodeled and updated, the home has been tastefully decorated with mountain fine crafts, handmade in the area. It is an eclectic mix of mid-century and new and we like it that way. It’s a comfortable ranch house that you will immediately feel comfortable in. Yes, the bathrooms are small and the ceilings not cathedral but you will enjoy the peacefulness this property exudes as our family has over the years. We hope you’ll feel like you are on “Cloud 9!”

Dirt road with greenery on both sides, a black mailbox, and a large rock with "Cloud 9" engraved on it.
“Rockin’ it!” down by the mailbox

What do the “Preservation of the Land” signs mean?

Stewardship of the land on this working farm is top priority which you will see first hand. (Ask for a tour!) Conservation care has been taken in regard to forestry management with select cutting of trees and using our own lumber to build barns and picnic shelters. Pasture management for the small herd of naturally-raised, hormone-free black Angus is done in rotational paddocks with their own piped in water supply to keep the streams running clear. Composting and organic gardening techniques are given priority. Plantings are done for the wildlife, especially song birds and turkeys. Making the best use of all the unique features of the property takes careful planning. Rocks for walls all came from the land. Keeping good neighbor communication is important to us, too. You’ll get a glimpse of this life style if you get to know your host.

And That’s What Your Support Means To Us.

A vote of confidence and continuation of the simple life; preserving, conserving, celebrating the beauty of natural land.

So, Come, Experience the Simple Life on Cloud 9 Farm… your “peace” of heaven awaits you!

Cloud 9 Relaxation