6 Reasons to Choose a “Green” Vacation Rental

In this day of the importance of seriously caring for the earth and making responsible environmental choices, you want to choose a vacation rental that was built with that kind of respect, don’t you?


Reason #1 Part of being on a vacation is smelling the fresh air…both inside the home and outside. You don’t want to be breathing outgassing of home furnishings, toxic paints and carpet. You want natural building materials used.


Reason #2 You care about the environment already so why not consciously choose a place where the owners do, too? Let your moral compass rise to the top.


Reason #3 You value simplicity and efficiency…a make-sense home design that doesn’t waste space or has features just for “looks.” You are practical.


Reason #4 You care about the water resources of this planet and you want to drink sweet water from deep wells whenever possible not buy it in plastic bottles from half way around the world.


Reason #5 Renewable resources like trees instead of petroleum products (plastic) are used for building materials.


Reason #6 You don’t like to waste electricity so you want a home that is heat efficient, well insulated and uses the up-to-date technology to keep you cool and warm.


We think we have that place in Silver Lining Cabin near Asheville and the Biltmore estate. The cabin is insulated with rock wool, which not only blocks sound and heat but it is fire resistant. It reduces energy consumption in homes plus we have the newest, efficient heat pump to cool and heat. All our roof water from rain is saved in a cistern for use in watering the landscaping. Our well water comes from 360 ft deep down in the earth and it tastes sweet. We used Vermont Natural Coatings made with renewable whey proteins on all our wood work. Tulip poplar wood and bark in its natural form was used for trim, ceilings and headboards. Even our builder was cognizant of ordering just enough –no waste.

LEED — Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design — is an international program of the U.S. Green Building Council designed to promote sustainable building practices. Silver Lining Cabin is not LEED certified but we liked and followed as many of their best practices as possible…plus a lot of just good common sense.


Come and experience a naturally built cabin. The process holds you accountable.

Master Bedroom Sawmill Slab Headboard

Master Bedroom Sawmill Slab Headboard