Blueberries: 5 Juicy Facts

Blueberry pickin’ time is nearly here at Cloud 9 Farm (late June – August)! While we wait with mouth-watering anticipation, here are five quick facts about this delightful little fruit: 1) Although blueberries are native to America, they were not commercially grown or sold until 1916. Thanks to the combined efforts of cranberry farmer Elizabeth… Read more »

Signs of Spring on the Blueberry Farm started as a blueberry u-pick hobby farm long before the internet (1070) and now is the most inspiring spring time of year! What a beautiful site…the blueberry buds are breaking their tight cluster and wafting their sweet, but faint “come-hither” perfume. The pollinators are checking out the maturing blossoms with the bumble bees first,… Read more »

Bluerry Patch – Ready for Inspection

Dear Dad, I haven’t seen you in a while so I thought I’d take a photo of how great the blueberry patch looks…all weeded, newly mulched plants in their prime loaded with green berries this May, newly planted 2 year old plants on the upper rows, everything mowed…just the way you’d like it. I love… Read more »