Bluerry Patch – Ready for Inspection

Dear Dad,

I haven’t seen you in a while so I thought I’d take a photo of how great the blueberry patch looks…all weeded, newly mulched plants in their prime loaded with green berries this May, newly planted 2 year old plants on the upper rows, everything mowed…just the way you’d like it. I love working outside just as you did for something to do in retirement. I will admit it is a little more work than I anticipated but rewarding. It sure gives you a lot of time to think when you’re out there with nature and the few cars that pass by on this country road. I hope to restore the patch to its glory days of the mid 1970s when you and Mom were known by everyone around as the place to pick blueberries.

Thinking of you,


NOTE: Dad died in 2001 at the age of 93. He didn’t turn it over to my care until he was 88 and the thorns and trees that had grown up in the patch have taken me 12 years to tame. I think I’ve finally done it and wanted to tell him as the blueberry patch was (and is) a favorite place on the farm.

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