For the Love of Calf

Saving a calf’s life is pretty important stuff around Cloud 9 Farm. The vet said that mother cow abandonment of baby is rare but it does happen. What to do in that case is to immediately take over being the mama. Of course, we gave Elsie the cow, plenty of chances to step up…but she didn’t.

For the Love of Turkeys

Cloud 9 farm is a sanctuary for wildlife and turkeys are so prevalent in Western North Carolina but here but here, they have full roam of the 200 acre farm and don’t have to interact with highway traffic, roads or people. In the spring, especially, you’ll want to be here because mating season is upon us. It’s when the tom turkeys fan their tails and gobble with importance hoping to attract hens for their harem. Hens act oblivious by continuing to forage around but you can tell they are well aware of the courting around them as they stay close to the flock. Many good photography moments can be seen just by sitting on our pasture observation bench next to their playground pasture.

Signs of Spring on the Blueberry Farm started as a blueberry u-pick hobby farm long before the internet (1070) and now is the most inspiring spring time of year! What a beautiful site…the blueberry buds are breaking their tight cluster and wafting their sweet, but faint “come-hither” perfume. The pollinators are checking out the maturing blossoms with the bumble bees first,… Read more »