The sweet perfume of blueberry blossoms pulls the honey bees and bumble bees into the lure of sweet reward…pollinating for a cross pollinated crops for me and sweet nectar to take back to the hive for the colony. I keep 5 colonies of honeybees for this sole purpose that happens every April here at Cloud… Read more »
Look at that Rock!
On her hand …on her ring finger! It happened this week at Heavenly Hideaway cabin! Such a romantic get-away!
Path of the Sun from Cloud 9 Property
On the first day of spring, March 20th this year, the sun rises right over the tippy top of Little Pisgah mountain from Cloud 9 Properties. Click the link to see other views. But, this is just a week and 2 days later, and look how much it’s moved to the northeast. I’ll take another… Read more »
Green and Yellow
Colors and feelings…doesn’t bright grass green and daffodil yellow just make you feel fresh, alive, and healthy? Of course! Coming to the mountains SHOULD make you feel like that all year long. So, come! Here’s a photo of a side of Cloud 9 Relaxation Home. 4 bedrooms for a great family reunion spot.
Tasty Tadpoles
“Or, should I say, poolishicious polliwogs, Quack, Quack!” Yeah, that’s Mr. and Mrs. Woodduck thanking me for brunch at Peterson Pond. Here’s the story: While doing some swamp drainage in the cow pasture, we noticed some gelatinous globs of what must be tree frog eggs. Knowing that they would soon be covered with a culvert,… Read more »
Book now for Bele Chere Weekend
I could rent Cloud 9 Relaxation Home and Heavenly Heavenly Hideaway cabin 10 times for this last weekend in July because of the popularity of Bele Chere, Asheville’s (and the Southeast’s) biggest and free street party. So, get your reservation plans done now! We are 15 minutes from down town Asheville. A total of 4… Read more »
Landscape in snow
I love how the snow defines the landsacape. This is from the “big” snow on Sunday. We haven’t gotten this kind of snow in 4 or 5 years so, forget about the inconvenience, just enjoy it. P.S. – All roads are clear so you can get to Cloud 9, no problem.
Elvis has been seen at Cloud 9!
or rather…Tiki Head with White Mustache…but it does look like Elvis. Just another winter photo from Cloud 9 farm.
Winter Wonderland at Cloud 9
It was quite a snow we had yesterday, making everything so beautiful on Cloud 9 Farm here on the southern slope of the Blue Ridge Mountains. About 5 inches. Too bad you’re not on vacation and getting snowed in! Here are the chicken girls trying to decide whether to come out of the coop or… Read more »
Food you can “nuzzle”
On these cold days at Cloud 9 Farm, the cows really look forward to a serving of warm silage, chopped fermented corn stalks with plump whole kernel corn. It steams with the composting heat in the frigid air as I shovel it in the trough. Their pleasure is evident because they bury their sensitive noses… Read more »